Welcome to One Small Step for Parents! Our goal is to help you find the right resources, support and information that is needed to make informed choices. Without the proper tools we, as parents and adults, don't know what will help our situation or what works and doesn't work. Here at One Small Step, we have done our best to take the guesswork and confusion out of the equation by supplying tools, resources and online support.


Here at One Small Step we do our best to keep up with current resources, and have listed several that we consider to be user-friendly and popular.

Please be patient. Searching through each individual website for information that fits our needs takes time - something few of us have to spare! There are many more websites available in the U.S. and we are diligently reading each and every one so we can offer the most comprehensive selection available.

This list of ADHD related National Associations may be helpful for parents, teachers, and professionals who work and live with ADHD.

 ADHD National Associations


ADD/ADHD Online Information

Attention Deficit Disorder Association

The International Center for Resources on the Internet

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