Welcome to One Small Step for Parents! Our goal is to help you find the right resources, support and information that is needed to make informed choices. Without the proper tools we, as parents and adults, don't know what will help our situation or what works and doesn't work. Here at One Small Step, we have done our best to take the guesswork and confusion out of the equation by supplying tools, resources and online support.

Monday, March 15, 2010

ADHD Information Links

There is a lot of information on the web about ADHD and its attendant disabilities. When I was looking for help it seemed nearly impossible to find a website or blog that fit my circumstances, and the amount of different websites and articles was overwhelming.
While I know that being informed is crucial to helping your child, being overwhelmed by the glut of information all over the web isn't going to do much for your perseverance!
My aim for this blog is to gather as many articles, websites and resources as possible in one area.

So, to help you in your search for information, I am providing links to as many relevant sites as I can. If you happen to know of any that I have missed (and this will be an ongoing posting as I find more,) please email me and I will include your link in this post.

I hope these prove helpful to you, I know many of them helped me.

ADHD Articles on HubPages

Living With an ADHD/ODD Child

If you are viewing this, you might be attracted by the idyllic picture of my son and me. I have to admit, we do portray a warm, loving family unit, but looks can be deceiving. We only achieve familial bliss half the time. The other half of the time is spent arguing, cajoling, manipulating, yelling, (yes yelling) slamming doors, growling...well you get the picture.

My Son's Elementary Education - Finding the Right School
In my previous post, I introduced you to my son, who has ADHD, ODD, Anxiety Disorder, and some Post Traumatic Stress. (Believe me that's a lot for a child to handle, never mind the parents.)

How To Cope With Your Child's ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder)
This is for the parents who live with this disability, day in, and day out. If they are lucky, maybe they catch a break on the weekend, (depending on whether you are a single parent) if not, then unless a good friend, family member or paid respite worker steps in and shoulders some of the responsibility, there is no break. 

ADHD/ADD And Their Co-disorders

As a parent, teacher, caregiver of a child with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) we know the arduous task of caring for, raising, and teaching them. 

Symptoms of ADD and ADHD

Because anyone can display the following symptoms at one time or another, especially children, the criteria for diagnosing ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is very specific. 

The Truth About Over Medicating ADHD Children

This is likely the most controversial topic when it comes to the ADD/ADHD subject. So what's the controversy over medicating children with ADD or ADHD?

Testing for ADHD

 There is no single medical, neurological, or attentional test that can reliably identify ADHD. But, by monitoring patterns of behavior , and taking a series of tests can help t identify this mental disorder. The particular combination of tests selected to test you for ADHD will depend on your clinician, but will likely include assessments of personality and problem solving styles, current fears and concerns, and intellectual functioning.


  1. I recently wrote an article on HubPages about my experiences with ADHD and thought it might be helpful as well (I hope).


  2. Thanks Sir Ferdinand I will add it to the list!
